Bill Clinton

Forthcoming books

Forthcoming books – search results

2 records found

Author: Bill Clinton
Title: My Life
Publisher: Hutchinson
Due: 22-06-2004
Notes: Rights for the ex-President’s memoir were bought by Random House UK for £800,000. Sonny Mehta, Editor-in-Chief of Clinton’s US publisher Knopf, describes the book as ‘the fullest and most nuanced account of a presidency ever written, and one of the most revealing and remarkable memoirs I have ever had the honor of publishing.’

Author: Peter Riddell
Title: The Unfulfilled Prime Minister: Tony Blair and the End of Optimism
Publisher: Politico’s
Due: 01-09-2004
Notes: An analysis of what has gone wrong with the Blair Premiership, by one of the Times’s most respected political commentators. Riddell is also author of Hug Them Close: Blair, Clinton, Bush and the ‘Special Relationship’.